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Image by Rachel Strong

About Us

The doctrinal statement of Shield Baptist Institute


I. The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the complete revelation from God and its contents are both verbally and plenarily inspired. Holy men of God, qualified by the leadership of the Holy Spirit, wrote in obedience to the divine command, which prevented them from recording any error. Furthermore, we believe that God promised to preserve His Word, and that He has done so in the King James Version. We therefore hold the KJB to be the perfectly preserved and inspired Words of God with all the authority that entails. The Bible is our source of faith and practice and the final authority.


II. God
We believe that God is supreme in His person, eternal in His being, absolute in His attributes, glorious in His perfection and sovereign in His will. God upholds all things by the word of His power and is the Creator of mankind and the entire universe. We believe in one God that is fully revealed in three distinct persons, (also known as the Trinity). The Father is the fullness of the Godhead invisible, the Son is the fullness of the Godhead revealed and the Holy Spirit is the fullness of the Godhead in His executive agency. God in His person possesses Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Immutability.


III. Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh, eternal in His existence, creative in His might, and life-giving in His power. Born of a virgin, sinless in His life, vicarious in His death, powerful in His resurrection and glorious in His coming. Divine worship is ascribed to Him and divine attributes are possessed by Him. We believe that He is now exercising His high priestly work and will soon return. We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the church, which will be followed by 7 years of great tribulation and the return of Jesus Christ to judge the sin of the entire unbelieving world and establish an earthly reign for 1000 literal years.


IV. The Holy Spirit
We believe that Christians receive the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation and that He remains our constant source of strength and power. The Holy Spirit possesses the attributes and deity of God, so He is God. We believe the Holy Spirit convicts and regenerates the sinner to salvation; He also indwells the believer as the means of assurance, power and wisdom; He guides the believer in his life and anoints him for service. We believe that the Holy Spirit possesses the characteristic of personality, so He is a person and not merely a force or influence.

Meet Our Staff

Tony Shirley - President

Bro. Tony Shirley graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree (Math Education) from Western Kentucky University.  He has a Doctor of Divinity degree from Grace Baptist Bible Institute and has served in Christian education for thirty years.  He is the Senior Pastor of New Manna Baptist Church in Marion, North Carolina.

Paul Shirley - administration

Bro. Paul Shirley graduated with a degree in Pastoral Theology from Canaan Baptist Bible College in 2020.  He has served in ministerial leadership for twenty years, including as the Head Administrator for Canaan Baptist Bible College from 2019-2024.  He now serves as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Road Baptist Church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky.  

Charlie Tinsley - Administration

Bro. Charlie Tinsley graduated from Foothills Baptist Bible College in 2012 with a Bachelor of Pastoral Theology degree.  He finished his master’s degree in Christian Education from Grace Baptist Bible Institute in 2014.  He has served in Christian education for over ten years and is currently the Young Adult Pastor at New Manna Baptist Church.

Greg Ewing - administration

Bro. Greg Ewing graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Theology from Hyles-Anderson College in 1988.  He received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Grace Baptist College in 2017.  He has been involved in ministry work for thirty-seven years, with thirty-four of those years serving in Christian education.  His experience includes Christian School Administrator and College Vice-president.


Our Mission

Thank you for considering furthering your education through Shield Baptist Institute. 

God has burdened our heart to provide a place where God's children can come 

to simply learn more about the Bible and to prepare for serving Him in the ministry. 

Our desire is that this institution will: Protect and guard the truths of the Word of God, 

the King James Bible. Also, we desire to be used by God to help Preserve the Christian

heritage that God has graciously passed on to us through the sacrifice and faithfulness of 

those who have paved the way. Finally, we pray that God will allow SBI to help Prepare 

young men for the Gospel ministry and the calling that He has placed on their lives. 


Please pray for us as we humbly and soberly endeavor to take this step of faith into the 

realm of higher education. May the Lord bless you. 

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